Fire Your Boss . . .

management Mar 27, 2016

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Industry Experience and Referrals

One of the first things your potential business clients will research is your credibility and history in the security industry. Reviews and previous customer feedback are key factors in which you will be evaluated for security contract bids. A solid way to prove you have what they need is through referrals from previous clients. Having these referrals handy, like on your website, will strengthen your company image. It’s one thing to tell a potential customer about the quality of your services. But having a relatable buyer who you’ve impressed assures they will have a positive experience utilizing your services & will make a much stronger impact on the lead.

Another easy way to get a leg up on the competition and show possible clients that you are a driving force in the security market is through customer reviews.  There are dozens of platforms online where people can share reviews of business interactions i.e. Yelp, Google, and even Facebook. Try asking any of your former, happy clients to write you a review, and share those reviews across your website, on social media, and with prospective clients during the sales process.

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