Systems thinking gives you the best chance of winning . . . . .

systems Jul 04, 2016

Don't Just Send Emails When You Want to Sell Something

Imagine you just met someone and the first thing they do is open up a briefcase full of products that they want to sell you. They have flashy brochures telling you how great their products are, a perfectly scripted sales pitch, and a list of accomplishments that prove they are qualified to sell you something.

Now, picture this.

You meet someone, and they offer you a lot of valuable tips and advice for free. They sit down with you, get to know you, and make you feel like family. Their conversation is so engaging; you value their relationship. When they mention a product they sell that could help you with a particular problem you have, your ears perk up.

Which person would you rather buy from?

Yes, email marketing is a valuable sales tool. That’s the whole point of email marketing right? To make sales. But if you only send out emails when you want people to buy your products you can come across as a pushy salesperson eyeballing their wallet.

Even if they don't rush to the unsubscribe button, most likely, your emails are going to end up in the trash.

But if you mix things up a little bit and keep a conversation going, people will start looking forward to your emails. When it is time to sell, they will be open and willing to hear you out.


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